We walk with young people as they journey forwards, providing the practical and emotional support they need to gain the skills and confidence to find accommodation and keep it.
• Advice about housing options and benefits
• Help with form filling and applications
• Internet and phone access
• Referral to specialist agencies if needed
• Mediation to help the young person return home if appropriate
• Accompanying young people to appointments
• Liaising with and referrals to other agencies to find solutions
• Support for young people in accommodation to help them maintain their tenancies – money management, life skills and emotional support
We also offer practical help
• Food bank tailored to cooking with only a kettle, as well as basic toiletries
• Furniture bank of donated beds, sofas etc to help set up their first accommodation with basic needs
• Household goods – donated crockery, utensils etc
• Clothing bank
• Laundry facilities
• Shower room
All of our services are free.